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Research and Analysis of Soil Dioxin Contamination Investigation and Management in Taiwan Region (The Second Project)

In order to establish baseline dioxin concentrations in soil and develop related pollution control measures in Taiwan, this project had completed the following: (1) 800 soil samples were collected and analyzed for the purpose of baseline survey and designated area investigation. The soil concentration from the baseline survey was between 0.48~29.4 ng I-TEQ/kg. The soil concentration in the northern region was between1.84~9.96 ng I-TEQ/kg(the average of soil concentration was between 2.42~7.95 ng I-TEQ/kg, N=13). The soil concentration in the central region was between 0.82~28.6 ng I-TEQ/kg(the average of soil concentration was between 2.32~9.20 ng I-TEQ/kg, N=33). The soil concentration in the southern region was between 0.99~29.4 ng I-TEQ/kg(the average of soil concentration was between 2.95~6.47 ng I-TEQ/kg, N=55). The soil concentration in the eastern region was between 0.48~9.66 ng I-TEQ/kg(the average of soil concentration was between 1.75~2.99 ng I-TEQ/kg, N=24). The soil concentration in the off shore islands region was between 0.81~1.90 ng I-TEQ/kg(the average of soil concentration was between 1.25~1.54 ng I-TEQ/kg, N=7). As for the designated area investigation results, dioxin screening concentration in the surrounding area was observed with higher concentration than the surrounding area. The major contributing reason was suspecting to be the local prevailing wind direction. (2) Suggestions, such as counseling for the establishmert of the proper environment for the bioassay technologies and promoting the commercialization of the rapid screening techniques, were given as part of the rapid screening tools localization process. (3) “The Investigation of Dioxin in Soil Reference Guidance for the Local Environmental Agencies” and “Dioxin in Soil Investigation and Remediation Technologies Development Plan in Taiwan” were drafted, and (4) Long-term monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants(POPs) in soil, groundwater and sediment was proposed.
Dioxin, Bioassay Rapid Screening, Soil Survey, Persistant Organic Pollutants